Tenant Application Form

Property Sales & Lettings Belfast

Applying for a property could not be easier with Property Sales & Lettings, so please fill out the following applicable form and get started on your road to an exciting beginning in your new home. This form must be filled out as comprehensively as possible, the more information we have the quicker we can supply you with an answer. Properties must be viewed before submitting an application.

Property details

Not sure of the address? Take a look at our current rental properties:

Rental Propeties

Please check you have entered all details correctly:

Your Details

Current Agent / Landlord

Previous Address


Next of kin

Personal referee

Guarantor Details

All applicants must provide a guarantor who can submit 3 x month's payslips or their most recent mortgage statement & a valid form of photographic identification.

Guarantor employment details

Please provide a copy of your photographic identification along with 3 x Months payslips or a Mortgage statement received within the last 12 months upon completion of this form and submit together with your application to our agency.

The Guarantor must either visit our office to sign the form (to be witnessed by a member of staff) or alternatively send a confirmation e-mail from their own account giving acceptance of the details.

Additional Residents

Additional Resident 01

Additional Resident 02

Additional Resident 03

Additional Resident 04

Additional Resident 05

Additional Resident 06

Landlord Reference

Your current or previous landlord should complete this form and supply us with a copy of a recent rates bill to substantiate ownership or previous tenancy agreement.


Please make sure you supply us with all the relevant information as this will speed up your application.

  1. Photographic id (passport or driving licence)
  2. Copies of past 3 x months payslips
  3. If you have only started work, a copy of contract of employment
  4. Written reference from current employer stating duration of employment, annual salary and brief character reference
  5. If you are unemployed and rely solely on benefits you must provide written evidence of all of the benefits you will be receiving (eg, Housing Benefit, Tax Credits, Child Benefit, ESA, JSA DLA or Income Support).
  6. All applicants must provide a guarantor. The guarantor must:
    • be based in Northern Ireland & over the age of 21
    • earn over £18,000 per year
    • submit a valid form of photographic identification
    • provide their past 3 x months payslips or
    • most recent mortgage statement (home must be in equity)
    • the guarantor must either visit our office to sign the form (to be witnessed by a member of staff) or alternatively send a confirmation e-mail from their own account giving acceptance of the details.
    • Landlord reference form must be completed by previous or current landlord / management agency.
  1. As part of your application process, we will carry out suitability and affordability checks. A £30 fee covers the cost of these checks. This fee is non refundable should your application be unsuccessful.
  2. Your application form will be valid for a period of 6 x months if you are unsuccessful with a property appliction and can be used for another rental property we have available.
  3. Queries regarding any application submitted will be discussed with the applicant only.
  4. The deposit is the same as one months rent (unless otherwise stated) a £25 charge may be applied to become accredited to the tenancy deposit protection scheme (payable when accepted by agency).
  5. The 1st month rent needs to be paid in full prior to the agreed move in date
  6. Guarantor reference stating they undertake to be responsible for any losses incurred and/or any loss of rent due to failure of the within mentioned and agree to comply with the covenants and conditions. They also agree that as acting guarantor they confirm the details of the above agreement and understand that my obligation will be valid throughout the entire term of the initial tenancy agreement and any subsequent agreements signed thereafter.
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    By submitting this form, you confirm that you wish to apply to rent a property through Property Sales & Lettings and that you agree to the above declaration.

    Properties must be viewed before submitting an application.